Book Reviews #8

The Marriage Plot by Jeffrey Eugenides

I was really looking forward to reading this book. I was told it involved a beautiful love triangle between three recent pretentious college graduates. That description alone got me super interested and I was so excited to read this book. I enjoyed the first hundred pages of this book immensely. I loved the constant literary and historical references. The plethora of these references at first convinced me that this was a great book written by a prolific writer. But this delusion left about one-third through the novel when I realized that I well-read author does not necessarily make a good author. I thought this book was boring, slow moving, and pretentious in a totally unentertaining and uninteresting way. I cannot believe so many people love this book. Don’t do it. Don’t read it. Just trust me on this one.

Rating: 1/5

The Golem and the Jinni by Helen Wecker

This was a super fun book to read. Wecker takes you on a journey through New York City at the turn of the twentieth century. She touches on and incorporates Jewish, Russian, and Middle Eastern culture all the while also exploring fantastical elements in historical New York. Its a really fun book. My only critique of this book is that it seems to aspire to be more than it actually is. Its a fun and interesting fantasy book, but I wouldn’t call it “great” literature or the book of the year or anything. But, if you enjoy fantasy elements, especially in urban settings I think this is the book for you. I recommend giving it a try!!

Rating: 3/5

The Circle by Dave Eggers

I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I have read Dave Eggers before and I absolutely hated what I read before. And yet, I wanted to give him another try. And I did not disappoint myself–I hated this book too. “The Circle” is a great idea for a novel! It follows one young woman’s career in an advanced technology company. The novel’s characters and readers are forced to decide throughout the novel whether technology can advance too far for humanity’s own good. Seems great, doesn’t it? Its not great, it sucks. This book delivers its message in so heavy-handed a fashion I could totally die. The twists and turns that Eggers delivers are predictable and border on cliches. Yuck. I don’t recommend this book. Although the technology they describe in this book is pretty cool. And it did encourage me to take a hard look at my own use and over-use of technology.

Rating: 2/5

Why We Get Fat and What to Do About It by Gary TaubesĀ 

If you’ve followed by book reviews, you’ll know that I love reading books about the obesity epidemic in the United States. I love reading about it!! This is the first and I think only time that I’ve been disappointed by this genre. Taubes only seems to write this book to support his hypothesis that “low-carb” diets are the only way to lose weight or to keep from gaining weight. I can’t give you a scientific opinion on his argument–I can only say that from what I’ve read Taubes’ arguments and evidence are odd and largely unconvincing. Although you can still learn some about the obesity epidemic in the United States and particularly obesity among children in the United States. Besides these small morsels of information (which could be better gleaned from other books and several Netflix documentaries) I don’t recommend this book.

Rating: 1.5/5

Have you read any good books lately? Have any suggestions for books I should read? Let me know!

My Inexpert Guide to Clothes Shopping on a Budget


I just graduated from being a poor college student to an impoverished graduate student. I’m super excited to be on this path in my life, but its very important for me to be aware of my budget and its especially important for me to be aware of my clothing budget. I’m slowly entering a more professional phase of my life in which I can no longer figuratively afford to dress like an edgy 14 year old girl. Unfortunately, those days are over for me.

Budget Clothes Shopping


  • Sales
  • Shopping at stores with reduced prices
  • Buy fewer higher quality pieces rather than many low quality pieces
  • Buy clothes that can serve several purposes
  • Don’t buy things you don’t need
  • Stick with basic fashion
  • Pick statement pieces

Sales and Stores with Reduced Prices

Sales, sales, sales. Marshall’s, Nordstrom Rack, T.J. Maxx. These are my mantras when shopping on a budget. These stores allow you to get clothes of varying quality at a much lower price. You can get basics like underwear, jeans, t-shirts, and even more exciting stuff for much less than you would at a department store.

Marshall’s and T.J. Maxx have credit cards that if you use, you can save a lot of money in store. You can get about 5% cash back and save up to 10% when you shop. Its awesome!

Nordstrom Rack also has a program that gives you money to spend in store when you send in rebates. Its awesome!

You can really cut corners at stores like these by getting sub-standard quality clothing for very, very little money. I DON’T RECOMMEND THAT. I recommend buying a couple of quality pieces for less money rather than buying more clothes of less quality.

Buy Fewer Quality Pieces Rather than Many Lower Quality Pieces

Its very easy to save money at the stores described above. I recently got a DKNY bra and a Calvin Klein bra at Marshall’s for $20 a piece, when they were usually $40 a piece. I could have gotten lesser quality bras for even less money, but these bras are going to last, feel great, AND make me look good.

Buying a ton of t-shirts that won’t last from someplace like Forever 21 won’t serve you as well as buying two shirts on sale from J.Crew or Anthropologie. These stores have great sale sections and do really big sales several times a year. Buying lower quality products won’t make you look fashionable. These products won’t last and before you know it, you’ll have to buy more. Buy quality and avoid having to re-buy and look sub-fashion.

Buy Clothes that Serve Several Purposes

When you buy your quality pieces, buy clothes that can serve more than one purpose. What does that mean? Buy clothes that you can dress up and dress down. I recently bought a pair of pants that I could wear to work or class with a jacket, or I could dress up with a leather jacket or special top. Dresses are particularly good at serving multiple purposes. Get flattering dresses you can wear to work with a cardigan and wear out that night with a statement necklace and no cardigan!

Shoes also help to dress up or dress down outfits. A black pair of heels can make jeans look way more fashionable than jeans with sneakers. Get creative!

Don’t Buy Things You Don’t Need

I don’t know about you, but I can get sucked into buying things I don’t particularly need. Pajamas for instance. I don’t really need a pair of matching pjs! I usually just sleep in an old comfortable t-shirt that I can get for about a dollar at the local Goodwill or Salvation Army. I don’t need slippers–I always walk around in bare feet or flip flops.

How many pairs of jeans do you need?

When you go shopping, make sure you are buying things you actually need. Maybe you need a cardigan to make you dresses work appropriate. Maybe you need a new pair of jeans because your old pairs don’t fit. Don’t buy things because they are just there, buy them because you need them. Think about what you need before you go shopping–just like grocery shopping! Make a list and try to stick for it!!

Stick with Basic Fashion

If you’re struggling a little bit with money or controlling your budget try to avoid buying “trendy” pieces. Go for classic fashionable pieces that will look good and be acceptable in five years and in five days.

Here’s a definition to help you achieve this goal

Classic Fashion: Pieces that make you look good and feel good without being a part of “trends” (i.e. neon pants, ripped jeans, tube tops). Think Audrey Hepburn…she would still look awesome if she wore what she wore in the 60s today!

Pick Statement Pieces

If you are going to spend a lot of money, don’t spend it on a pair of jeans. Spend it on a nice pair of shoes, a jacket, or a purse that “make a statement.” Statement pieces usually have bold colors or bold patterns. They liven up an outfit and draw attention to the statement piece rather than your beige flats (I hate beige flats).

I have a great leather jacket that was pretty expensive, but I can wear it with jeans, skirts, and dresses. A great leather jacket never looks old or out of style. Get your statement piece on!!

What are your thoughts on budget shopping? Do you have advice for your fellow bloggers?

Some Thoughts on My New Z-Palette from Sephora and De-Potting Your Makeup


I have wanted a Z-PaletteĀ for so long!! I have a lot of makeup and I wanted to streamline my collection and putting on makeup by using a Z-Palette. Even though I was super excited about this product, I think I might have made a mistake and I wanted to let you know why.


In order to use the Z-Palette you have to “de-pot” your makeup by removing the small metal tins where the makeup lives. The “de-potting” process was easier than I thought it was going to be. Above is an example of what a MAC eyeshadow looks like after its been de-potted. I’m not gonna lie though, I youtubed it! This is the de-potting video how to I found most helpful!


Here’s the big problem with the Z-Palette though, it is extremely difficult to de-pot makeup products that are not from MAC. I actually ruined a couple of my eyeshadows from other brands attempting to de-pot them. Above is some of the makeup I found more difficult to de-pot. I love my NAKED Basics palette from Urban Decay and I didn’t want to ruin the makeup so I didn’t even attempt to de-pot them.Ā I totally ruined them! If you have a lot of MAC products then the Z-Palette is probably for you. The Z-Palette has actually made it more difficult to do my makeup quickly in the morning because my makeup is all over the place.

The Z-Palette I got was also pretty expensive. Mine was $28 and I bought it in store at Sephora, but when I went online I saw that you can get the same product I bought for around $20. If you’re thinking of getting a Z-Palette do some research and look at your products to see how many of them can be de-potted easily. Ruining makeup is the absolute worst.

If you have any thoughts or advice on de-potting makeup better let me know!!!!

Some Moisturizers I Love…Getting that Dewy Look


I love moisturizers. I really like it when my skin looks moisturized, even dewy! Its phenomenal!

These are the moisturizers that I’ve been using and loving lately.

Lancome’s Bienfait Multi-Vital NightĀ 


I got a small sample of this recently and I fell in love with it. I only use it at night because it is really heavy, but when I wake up in the morning after using it, my skin looks awesome! My skin looks smoother and more youthful in the morning, I know this product is very expensive, but it might actually be worth it!

Dr. Jart BB Beauty Balm Multi-Action Skin Care Evening or Overnight


I’ve reviewed some of Dr. Jart’s products in the past. Some of them I’ve like and some of them I haven’t liked at all. Surprisingly enough, I really like this moisturizer. Like the Lancome moisturizer, I sometimes use this product if I’m not gonna wear foundation. It evens out my skin and makes it look great.

Marcelle Hydra-C 24H Energizing Hydrating GelĀ 


I have never used any of Marcelle’s products before. I was surprised at how much like this product. I especially like that this is a gel. Because its a gel, its really best to use at night-time. It can feel a little bit heavy if you try to use it under makeup. My skin always looks great and super moisturized after using this gel!

A New Hair Brushing and Washing Tip

I have wavy/curly hair and sometimes making my hair look halfway decent is a total nightmare. If I brush my hair I look like a yield sign and if I don’t brush my hair I look like tarzan. Its a highly unfortunate dichotomy. But anyway, I recently read a new tip that I had to share with you.

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Brush your hair BEFORE you get into the shower. Like right before you get into the shower. Apparently washing your hair before you shower helps you shampoo your hair better. I was a little suspicious of this tip because it wasn’t designed for people with my specific hair problems, but I thought it would work for me. And I was correct my friends! I was very correct!!

So here’s my new shower routine (which is almost every day because I go on runs almost every day)

1. Brush disgusting hair

2. Shampoo

3. Dry until slightly damp and then use oil treatment

4. Air dry

5. Look fabulous

I really recommend this for my fellow people with fluffy hair or people who are particularly interested in having very clean hair.

Products that Make My Skin Look Great


I’m not gonna lie, lately my skin has been looking really good. In general, my skin still looks like I’m 14. Honestly, I look like a pepperoni pizza for the majority of the time. I’ve found some products recently that have been making my skin look really clear. I honestly haven’t even used foundation for the last couple of weeks. I really recommend these to anyone with skin issues or anyone that wants to take their skin to the next level.

Boscia MakeUp-BreakUp Cool Cleansing Oil


I tend to have oily skin so I’ve been really hesitant to use cleansing oils. But everyone seems to love cleansing oils, some people even swear by them. I was really surprised, but this cleansing oil is absolutely awesome. I was super surprised to find that my skin looked and felt clearer after using it. I always use it on days when I have worked out or worn a lot of makeup. But, if you want to use it everyday, its really easy on the skin so that’s also possible.

Azul Signature Clear Skin Gel


This is a great gel I like using. It doesn’t dry out my skin, but it does leave a slight sheen on the skin so I don’t use it in the morning. I usually put on moisturizer and then put this gel on the skin afterward.

L’Oreal Go Clean 360 Anti-Breakout Facial Cleanser


I bought this on a total whim because I accidentally forget cleanser on a trip. I was completely and totally surprised by how much I loved it! Not only do I love this actual cleanser, I love the scrubby that comes with the cleanser. Its awesome! It clears my skin up and prevents future breakouts. I love it. Get it!

Hyaluronic Acid SerumĀ 


I’ve received this a couple of times at this point. But I LOVE this product. This product is like extreme moisture all over your skin. Its a bath for your face! Its an especially great product for summer when there’s a lot of wear and tear on your skin. Its a great way to treat your skin well after a long day at the beach or out in the sun.

Book Reviews #7

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Beyond Belief: My Secret Life Inside Scientology and My Harrowing Escape by Jenna Miscaviage Hill

This book tells the story of a young woman’s experience within Scientology from a very early age to her young adulthood when she decided to leave the Church of Scientology. Her story is both disturbing and interesting. I didn’t know very much about the Church of Scientology before reading this book. After reading this book I think I know much more about Scientology, but only from a highly negative perspective. I really recommend this book to anyone who is interested in modern religions or the difficultly of overcoming ingrained beliefs. Although this book could get repetitive at times, I still think you should give it a good read.

Rating: 3.75/5

Missoula: Rape and the Justice System in a College Town by Jon Krakauer

I’ve read some of Jon Krakauer’s working before. I reviewed his book about fundamentalist Mormons in the United States. This book explores how Missoula handled rape cases between 2010 and 2013. Krakauer also explores how the local police office handled alleged rape cases. His work reveals how often survivors of sexual assault and rape fail to be treated fairly and fail to see justice. This book is highly difficult to read. Oftentimes I became so angry and disappointed that I would have to stop reading the book. This book is upsetting, but I think anyone who went to college or wants to go to college should read this book. Its depressing, but it will really enlighten you.

Rating: 4/5

Let the Right One In by John Ajvide Lindqvist

I heard such awesome things about this book! I’ve been seeing it absolutely everywhere! I was so excited to read this book, but I was a little disappointed. This book was supposed to be a creepy, well written horror book about vampires. Instead, this book moved so slowly I would have rather been bitten by Edward Cullen than keep reading it. This book was not originally written in English, sometimes I felt that some of my confusion reading the book might have been a translation problem. Or, maybe it was just me. Despite what everyone says, I don’t recommend this book.

Rating: 1/5

How to Stick to the Morning Workout Routine


Firstly, I realize I’ve been absent from my blog for a while and I’d like to apologize for that. The combination of graduating from college and going on a family vacation has prevented me from posting. BUT, now I’m back and here to give you some advice about how to make working out in the morning work for you.

I don’t know about you, but I have a really hard time working out in the afternoon or at night. My energy level decreases by the end of the day and I’m usually not interested in working out. I’d rather turn into a vegetable on the couch or just go to sleep. Usually, the only way I can make sure I workout is if I do it first thing in the morning.

But how to make that morning workout doable?

1. Commit to your alarm clock

If you want to get up and work out in the morning commit yourself to your alarm. No snooze button, no excuses. As you fall asleep think about getting up the moment your alarm goes off and getting out of bed.

2. Have your clothes and equipment out and ready to go

Getting out the door early in the morning is difficult enough, make it easy for yourself Ā by putting out your workout clothes and equipment the night before. That way you can roll out of bed, put them on, an run out the door.

3. Sleep, sleep, sleep

Sleeping in is NOT the way to go. The best sleep for your body occurs before midnight and very, very early in the morning. Sleeping an extra hour or so in the morning after the sun has come up will not likely change how tired you feel. Go to bed early and get up early and sweat a little bit to energize you throughout the day.

4. Plan and get excited about your workout

Its especially hard getting out of bed to hit the gym if you hate the workout you’re supposed to do or aren’t sure what workout you’re going to do. Plan out your workout the night before or start thinking about it as you fall asleep (I’m weird and love planning as I’m falling asleep)

5. Remember that anything is better than nothing

You don’t have to get up at 5am and run for three hours to get some benefit from a morning workout. 30 minutes at the gym alone will get your metabolism started and will wake you up for your day. Even if its a short gym visit, your body will thank you.

Now get out there and sweat a little bit!!!!!

Book Reviews #6

Fatland by Greg Critser

This book came out in 2004, a little before our knowledge of and obsession with eating, food regulations, and obesity started. This was one of the books that sparked a national debate around the importance of healthy eating and exercise to prevent serious disease and even death. This book was so interesting! It gave an in-depth, but approachable, history of food regulation and the increase of obesity in the United States. Some of the science is a little out-dated. For instance, Critser talks about the dangers of high fructose corn syrup, but there is currently conflicting research about this substance. Scientists aren’t so sure about it as they were when he wrote the book. I really recommend this book to everyone. Its super interesting and really makes you think about food regulation and food intake (but not in an unhealthy or obsessive way). I watched “Fed Up” in conjunction with reading this book and it taught me SO MUCH! Read and watch them both!

Rating: 4/5

This is Where I Leave You by Jonathen Tropper

This was a horrible book. No wonder the movieĀ version was bad, the book was atrocious. I’ve read some reviews of this book that suggest itsĀ misogynistic, but I didn’t really see that in the novel. The novel was very cynical and pessimistic, and portrayed both sexes in a very negative light. But, oftentimes, the book seemed cynical for the sake of being cynical. Nothing particularly interesting or revealing was said throughout the whole book. The only interesting part is that people suck and sometimes your family sucks too. I really don’t recommend this book.


I Refuse: A Novel by Per Petterson

This book is kinda weird, but I really like it! “I Refuse” tells the story of the friendship and intertwining lives of two men in Norway. This book utilizes flashbacks and flashforwards to tell their story. Even though I would say this book is a drama overall, the flashbacks and give it a little bit of a mystery feel. This book is really, really good. The author uses a variety of techniques to make you feel like you are really there, like you really “get” it. I absolutely recommend getting and reading this book. You will love it!


What I Currently Dig

Yeah, I say “dig.” I also say “wigging.” As in, “Why are you acting so crazy, you’re totally wigging.” I intend to bring back the rhetoric of the past. I think I’m destined to fail try as I might.


Ticket Stub DiaryĀ 

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Its no secret among my friends that I love going to concerts. It doesn’t matter to me if I’ve heard of them or if its in a weird neighborhood or if the event is somehow on the sketchy side. I WANNA GO! I got this ticket stub diary last year to start saving my tickets to the concerts I go to. I really like this diary because you can add notes next to the ticket so you can remember what happened. I’ve got some weird concert stories that I don’t want to forget. If you’re into concerts or similar events, I really recommend getting one of these. They’re awesome!!

Garnier Fructis Sleek and Shine Moroccan Sleek Oil Treatment


I have dry wavy hair. I don’t use conditioner because it weighs down my hair. These factors make it extremely important for me to have an oil treatment that adequately moisturizes my hair. I’ve used a variety of oil treatments, some VERY expensive and some pretty cheap. There are lots of oil treatments out there. But, I LOVE this one. Its super cheap and still the best formula I’ve ever used! I really, really recommend it! I can’t believe how cheap it is and how well it works. Its a miracle.

Pop Beauty Eye Shadow PaletteĀ 


I really like eye shadow. In general, I usually only like matte shadows. I think it can be really hard to pull off a glittery or sparkly shadow during the daytime. Despite my hesitation towards shimmery shadow, I really like this palette. I like the highlighting color and I think this palette is great for someone who’s just getting exposed to eye shadow. Its got everything there: highlighter, base, and upper-lid. I like it, but I don’t love it.

Cynthia Rowley Brightening Illuminator


I usually only like powder highlighters, but I LOVE this highlighter. Its got a slightly pinky sheen to it, which I totally love. I sometimes use this during the day, but I think it is best as a nighttime highlighter. GET IT.

IntegraDerm Repair Bar


This bar is kinda weird, but I really like it. Its designed for people with acne prone and oily skin (AKA me). The bar itself smells really weird, but my skin looks and feels great directly after using it. When you use the bar you leave it on your face for up to ten minutes before washing it off. I really like the “mask” aspect of this product. I really recommend getting this product.